The HOT Spot


The HOT Spot
Brittany Nicole ThompsoN
Name On the Dotted Line =]

no Order  

My little Whore - oh where to begin.. we have had so many f-ing good times Ned!! Hopfully I can go to the concert w/ you tommorow night :):)(yn) We shall be Smores Forever you Chocolate Whore:) .. Omg what kind of place is this who doesnt astay open 24/7 these days!! maybe you will want to change your add in the phone book them!! The notebook was an obvious good movie!! you would know seeing as you slept throught the entire thing!! jesus!! lol but oh well. He is a very Very attract Person! Lets make Rice ..Hmm lets see maybe you should just make it. are all the doors locked!? hmm Crushing Rockets or watching the OC. Clearly Crushing rockets is way more funn.and we can make some profits off them if we sell them as crack because noone would even know the difference would they? oh and we are also super cool because we collect cool halloween candy wrappers. We are going to Visit the Locals and hang out at the ice cream place because thats the most coolest and ammusing thing to do. The Big City Gals go to Minden! Watch it you hick!! We need to be rescused seeing as our Boat seems to not work!! lets become friends with the people with all the Jet Ski's!! Maybe they will let us on!:> oh good lord i could steer better then this we want Over theere!! OVER THERE!! JESUS!! lol I just walked right into that thing! oh my eye i have seem to have lost my eye could somebody please help me find my eye. Oh god we Love Ellen. The Pickle Claw The Toilet Paper Claw. Carmel Popcorn Yummy 2.50 for half an hour Of INternet what a rip!! Minden was great even tho the population was like 10 people lol. Umm actually i am too scared to hang my feet and arms over the bed! isnt it scary!? We all gangsta up in Hurr For ever!!.. Y'all Gunna Make me Act a FoO(8)(8) Too bad we never joined the f-ing knittig CLub!! that would of been the best thing since i dont know what. Our present for Mr. Turtly Squierll a.k.a Ugly a.k.a Micheline tires was Obv the best and that Bumm just had to go SPitt in It and throw it out!. HoW RUDE! Spandex and tap shoes and Afangay HElper Socks = the Afgany Helpeerr!! .. Gay Love Page Forever Jewanna Man Loves FLeChina Its PoUring no its not its not even raining well it should be.. Omg you are going cranberry picking in the raiN!? Ewww Peeing in the park across from your house at your Birthday!! Lets Just visit her maybe she will be Up Oh Look No ones even Home! Oh yess we are Moving to Alabama would anyone else like to come? ... Too PErfect For Words! Legally Blonde(L)(L) + Mean girls .. Omg she is going to get ran over by a bus and die!! Brittany and NAtalie are Blondes.. Daryls a brunnette Hay!! aha Why can he do that and hese only a baby i cant do that!! cuz hese SUPER bABY!! I miss Yoshi's lunch:( and His Mommy Slutska haha i love carring the Ringette bag because i look sso profesh!. MArk Mark!! look over here dumby!! MARk!!! lol Our game Lets Name that Song!! we are pretty much tied now.. because every time we play we add new rules haha grade 8 camp trip was the best .. especiacally shopping for all the candy!! i know lets just hide it under a bunch of tampons the teachers will never look there. How Bout i'll be Whitney and you Be Courtney! We are always cool because we memorize most movies we watch. OH he wants me i can tell he so wants me. ha its always funn watching david launching things off a tree and talking to T.j On the phone and he thinks we are like phsyco.Our gay love page is the best ever we have to get our lockers beside each other so we can cut it in half to putt in it. omg the blood is rushing to my brian what brain? ok my head then lmao ITS POURING! no it's not it's not even raining. well it should be i have to go cranberry picking IN THE RAIN!? LMAO THAT WAS SOO FUNY! and plucking my eye brow when i was sleepin that was funny. OMG i passed nedco todaY!! hey daryl.. i think he thinks we like him:s haha lmao hehe our lil *pushing boobs forward* pose haha in class pic:D haha we r soo good U NERD!! yoshis lunches are always the best!! haha i dont like putting my legs over the bed or my hands ethier.. jus watch he is going to pounce on him.. no he cant it aint time for him to eat.. see i told you he was going tp pounce LMAO!! did u watch the rest of the movie!? no.. i was too scared lol ewwwy cutting half his head off:S re treat re treat ACt like a baby and head out first!! lol well love you Whore:) Lets have a Huge best friend thing just like the D.G's so we can be even more Cooler! - BffeaetddupfnoilyW:) .. lOvee You!!

Biffle -

Oh i love my brown Friend:) So hows your heart today you know your love life i still like to be updated even tho i hate them .. shh our secret sorcue of pictures no one MUST know !! SIGnEd by the blood of my writss eassy suicidal just becuse i slit my wristts jeezee ! ! Barbie = Sex SymBol (H) .. You + Kris = Smart match id say !! Cant wait to show you my 115 words per minute skills (H)(H) Omg why do all the Dg's have xox__xox JESuS !! HAppy Soon to be birthday and its obviously BFF DANIElA + NATALIE not all those other people !! Ugh who the hell is this JOhn metlin kid if i was you i would slap him !! OOHH BFF ugh whats with all these xo_.._ox Emails!! jesus!! Oh fights with little 3 year olds are funn! dont lie i know your not in dance why do you lie like that! no yes NO YESS!! lol ha how does he type with like a weird arm awe i feel sorry for him!! i dont know one told him to be ugly!! lol This guy behind me is really creeping me out . ithink we sat in the wrong cheering section. yea you kno we are on ' curfew ' when we get home we MIGHT be allowed to go on the computer for a little:$ oh your team really sucks. OMG stop f-ing calling hese a little desperate dont you think? haha you kno a Lucie colour but in the sumemer he goes pretty brown.Jetting to the cafeteria for seconds. Ocupado Obviously - no more at love w/ me!! obviously never again! text msg flirter!! so your an email flirtter!! so your a mind flirter!! Love the hottest girl ever:)(L) omg eassiez miss conceeded Jeeze. too bad the first day you get internet back the facking retards runn over the box haha awe. Oh my god !! there are so many black people here !! its dangerous!! ahahah Beth was in like Heaven;) Yea my parents buy live chickens and take them down in the basement and kill them!:| !! Excuse me what do you think your doing you have to go threw the line retard !! I am just going to like put her in her place till she learns when to shut up. Buissness i think will be the best. Me + you + Lucie You will for sure best The teacher 100% here you come!! lol right after class we have to jett down to the cafeteria!So we can be what first in line:) but that never happens ugh!! hey look there my boyfriend for the bus ride home!! Ryan!! but he has a girlfriend.. no he doenst oh thats timmy!! Burn book DAns Gym Class Funn times. Ayla Jess Me You = B* Unit and our newest edition Beth after her initiation:) Ugh that idenity stealer!! what was she thinking! barbie was Obv mine First! lol .. shes not even Blonde!! Okay there buddy to bad you need other peoples friends that you dont even know.. Nice try tho. Badminton is our lifes and we live for badminton. Winning is EVERYTHING!! Hmm do you think we should join rugby!? Well maybe just so i can beat up a few people:) that would be grand funn! Hey Listen to the Hall monitor!! Do you WANT TO SEE A BADGE!! Slow Down!! You are walking way too fasst!! Lets jett down to get the tickets to the Jesus Concert!! do you think alot of people will want them seeing as its only a jesus concert? .. THis is BOOTCAMp and these Are your ENIMIES!! HAllOWen daNCe = Funn:) Walking home from the beach at like 9:30 scaryyy! Sorry My mom could only drive us salvation army.. Oh jajja .. Yea jajja = Hahahah lol Ohh thats Spanish obviously! hah its KoreA! You are the Love OF My Life ANd I love you!! Wow Eassy Felix!! lol I am going to miss gym class it was pretty funn besides Miss. McOnvey. CpR was the best lets all just kiss the Dumby's HEr Being more and more obsessed over Julie just wants to make me be her friend!! Ugh Just shut up already!! You better watch out because tommorow i am going to be on your door step knocking on your door to kick your ass! so why dont you just go in your bathroom now shut the door and cutt your wrists to save me the trouble thanks:) telling each others gossip Over the Phone!! .. like Hour Conversations.. Normally about him:| we need a bit more day time drama in this school.. ugh she has a boyfriend leavve her ALone!! lol I have always wanted just to baby shut up and kiss me. Surprise? hawt hmm Rember H A W T !! i dont have a boob bone what is this? wait yess i do .. ok maybe not :( Okay check this profile oOOh whose ashton? is he hott?.. NO its a girl !! what a girl named ashton?! okay dont let my absoulte worst enemy know i still check her profile. Pink bag buds and Binder days oh and pencil case days were pretty funn:) We can be pony pals heres a siticker shit mine fell off !! omfg someone f-ing super glued my locker and took our strawberry shortcake stickers retards!! .. i miss when you used to live like down the street:( we were late comming home from lunch because we thought we left the oven on at danielas house :$:$ ahh hopping over your fence to get back to school = definatly dangeours!! i ran into a f-ing tree!! my eye was red for a week lol dammitt do you think it could be a dead body. Just great i dont want to walk over it anymore thanks. I just love our like 2 hour conversations on the phone mostly gossip but god i love them!! :) we will make something good and shove it in his face omg do u think hes alergic?? haha My dog ate it i think hes gonna die lol i went outside with him in the front b4 my bro killed me !! it was scary haha the lil girl with no underpants no family no money no house and she roars like a lion creepy lol! haha i am PRince britt! it even sed so on the fence with chalk! lmao., She stays on her porch waiting till we pass bye? ITS THE "MAGICAL CORNER" . OMg did u c that guy in that car?? Did u see him?! Did You. Haha shh i told my mom i had to do this for a funraiser for the yearbook.... why do u sitt there waiting for us to go bye!? haha u know your cool when you have a pink bag.. you also no your cool when u wave to a bus driver and they wave bak haha lmao!! haha you at my dance.. omg i never even new you were there:S lol The poodle!!:| because your my obvious absoulte Best friend - biffle whom i absoultly adore :) *xxo 


Lucie - sluttay ballerina / muffin queen / Miss Hollywood/ and more I <3 lucie obviously!!  my One and Only friendd :) .. your parents most likely obv hate me .. Pw = pretty much SUCKERD !! hopefully the dance will be soo much Funner !! Ugh i cant believe we got in trouble over that reatarded thing !! my nanny is so ugh !! .. Sleepig in my tent we will havve to do when i can find it maybe !! gawd i dont know where i placed it honestly how do you loose a TENT !! haha lol:$:$  What happened to Gino SUpremo !! a little Obsessive id say scaryy :| Almost PW !! i am just going to wait til then and i will know who i will like ... hmm OMG 99% :|:| .. Not GOOD NOt Good !! :( .. But oh well i was only a stupid website:$ .. BRACESS!! there not that bad ... suree 8-) lol  We cannot fight over stupid things anymore like Over what alex says hese retarded !! Dont worry i will always heart you Juciy Lucie !! <33 sleepovers must continue on ! Miss Hollywood is back lmao!!  I believe i can fly i belive i can touch the sky (8) haha BEcuase i got hIgh - definatly his day story !! ( and this is going to happen to you becuase you got high ) haha lol  shes going to be there ugh he lives alll the way on mapleton !!  Jeeze i just cant wait to see there expressions on stage they are just so halarious  . . okay lets not try make our faces like hers in the dance it was awful !! Omg Dad come kill the spider ! its huge its like twice the size of a daddy long legs eeww it just crawled into the wall !! :|   I think i will just brush my hair in the ring mirror ugh those god damn splinters from chairs :| haha i knew that was a BAD Water BottlE. Then they just seem to chop you up into a million pieces!! and put you in a garabge bag and through you in the river !! watch out before i cut YOUU up into a million piecs !! ahaha :):) .> FunN SleeP over !! <33 + hanging out with the boys;) hehe writing our emails about our lovely boy problems. Dear miss Hollywood what would you do. ugh please just move we dont want to give up our door seats!! omg how can he like the rebel he doesnt even know her jesus !! how did she get higher then us and we send her all the answers how retarded. What a funn mass today eh? lol Oh we know the french teachers love us Ha we are so going to an all girls schooL!! better yet why not a dance academy schoo!! TEA EYE EM!! hehe some more code no one will ever get:) lol Dance competetions at natalies house obv rock!! we should have won!! but there was clearly unfair judging') we ever had bertter costumes then them! lol BOy HATERS!! do not talk to boys!!! if you do you will get hitt !! hard!! lol Code is the way to go!! that way no one will understand us. Okay i will help you in french if you help me in geography! lol:) Good plan! ugh why cant he just stay in his own f-ing buisness!! yea my password is super cool kay what is it? lol Wow Look Out for this new rebel now lol.. remember the deal any secret you tell me i annoce on the anouncements the next morning duhh!! haha raising the flag at school = so hard thank god for tim!! lol spittballing is the most coolest game in town !! (H) so far tied 1 - 1 we havent played in awhile seeing as the teacher is a bit mean. Ahh in french we no longer sitt together?:( but most likely will soon. It is always funn to gossip / talk you know the funn things in 3 classes !! oMg i have big news here i will write it on my palm pilot;) lol we dont do that too much anymore but oh well we just say it !! omg i cant belive he said that! well its true they are constant flirtters!! your an email flirtter !! MIND flirtter! such funn times in buisness with you and daniela. Omg all he does is talk about her shut up!! yay i finaly got rid of a stalker and now i got another one omg what is this!! Omg he has a girlfriend that idiot who changes there password honestly!! she is kinda annoying me like what i cant have other friends? GOD. yay maybe come to your studio next year for point? fun stuff Conversatons with Mat and how he talks about blondes^o) pssht we obviously know that brunenttes are wayy better! :) Omg i hate him he is so dumb!! he always has to like 2 girls at once! Excuse me she has a boyfriend GOd!! lol jeeeze he makes us mad quite a bit doesnt he. lol . You know your cool when you prank call other classes during geography.WE got in our first figt over that retarded class! because of MR. Porco Promise we will never fight again(yn) LOve YOu LUcie:)

Taylor - my obvious Bestest cousin in law of all time=)

Easy Legally Blonde .. no no more like Legally POODLE lmao !! :$:$ hehehe The French teachers mom was my my moms teacher :| ekk lol .. French class and GeogrPhy are pretty funn :) awe your over him ? LoL she looks like a poodle if you ask me !! Yea Ugh she makes me so mad why does she have to be all over every single Guy we like!! JUst pick ONE guy already !! Yay i am so glad you finally come to my school now !! its going to rock ! two classes together oh yeaa (H)(H) Me + you + Lucie <3 awe he just has to put a flower and i am smiling all week :) yea i cant wait till lunch tommorow !! We have to have a sleep over some time since i couldnt last time:(:( Omg she lives soo far haha. hey [Mz] huh? Me daniela and brittany just want to say thank you and how happy we are that you look up to us!lmao! Marry him Marry him... i think i have to think that one over... FOR A LONG TIME!! haha!! lol UGh when is he going to get on msn!! i wana talk to him... you do the talking on msn and i do it at school haha lol... omg that movie was scary:| I GOTTA C IT THEN!!:D:) omg omg omg i really REALLY hope you move by me:D that would be the best in the whole wide world!!:D:D party every day!<:o)haha lol omg she is a slut haha well i dont think he even likes her.. but i unno:s haha lol BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT!.. thats wut my aunt sed to me when i was little and always cryed. thats my brother! it is?:s no.. shh!;) lol omg u always use pick up lines!! like do u work at subway cuz u just gave me a 14 incher haha lol

Jackie: jackie i miss u soo much or should i say jessica? lol but i wont make funn beacause thats how the rich people speak lmao! do u gotta bruise yet? pretend i am punching u aww good times good times. but now i moved soo we hardely ever getta c each other  aww i miss u soo much!! even to U-R-A-L-0-S-E-R!! lmao march breakk was soo fun!we had soo much to talk bout! member buying 3 rolls of film instead of a camera? opps my bad lol BRITTANY STOP HITTING ME! its not me dad .. i no what u r like stop hitting her!! haha omg r those cottages!? or do ppl live in the ski resort!? brittany.... can i use you pee room plz!? the ice transporter was always handy:) for trying to meet hott guyz.. uh.. we gotta go get sume ice;) lol!! *from our farm to you*-OMG there r such things as chip farms!? haha member the cha cha bear at your party in grade 5 -n- selena like married it and hailey was getting me so mad i like punched her in the face.. opps:$ lol and the girl at the dance that was like excuse me lil girl putt some clothes on lol she really pissed me off! haha francoise!! we no u like to build things and sk8board hehe we were kinda freakin him out!! meber the movie wrong turn me and mallory were like soo scared and u were like kool! and the guy that looks like the guy off of lord of the rings! Member our bridge made outta popsicle sticks for school and i always broke it by accident  and we snuck it into class and used hot glue guns i guess we sorta cheated opps. lol scaboon hehe omg QUICK SCABOON CALL 911 JACKIES DIEN!lmao i still want that pick of the druggy guy that u sed u culd picture me goin out wit and u LIED to me bout the broken leg and jake how could u lol jk it ok i will get over it. haha well if i cant stay at your house SHED HERE I COME! LMAO well how is the shed decorating going for me to stay in when i come up lmao!! haha see my nany she is kinda dence asked what a shed brit was LMAO LMAO!! i almost peeded my pantz laffing!!:$ haha lmao! your french teacher seems soo funny!! making funn of devyn haha sucker during code red lets stick devyn out the door as bait and everyone run out the back door... or everyone jus run out the back door and start rolling in the fields they will never shoot u then! haha i whish i was there:( but it doesnt matter for french i wouldnt have him ne ways:( member tory omg we have this french teacher thats always like der haha i wulda had her:( lol well i guess she wasnt that bad 8-) I cant wait till i getta come visit!!:)<:o) it will be SOOO MUCH FUNN!! I miss you SO incredibly much and it sucks !! (N) .. hopefully we will get to hang out soon!! (yn) Love YOu LoSer!!

J.hill aka Connie Chung my hawt wife: Well well well .. my Petawawa friend:)  Needles were scaryy i basically cried .. wel i hope you just blow up from menititus you WHORE WHORE haha awe !! that was not very nice i say !! i cant belive you had to hold the bear can we say WIMP lol jk love you 8-) omg tim is a phsyco!! sending us death threats acorss the cafeteria!! gett a picture of him get a picture of him!! haha lol we have so much to talk about so our conversations our extra long because we have barrie + petawawa gossip !! Funn times at sleep overs!! Petawawa dances go like this!! haha you got stuck in the f-ing laundry basket what a nutt only you jessica!! jake : what in god's name are you exactly doing.. uh nothing?:$  ugh but iwant pictures of my wife brushing her teeth!! we are outside your house right no .. no your not yes we are Your dad answering the door BEAt IT !! lol haha Mark + Tim 1 2 3 FOLLOW !! they are such nerds Mr. Lifeguard + Martien = BFF who woulda thought .. ha memeber when you were obsesseed with alex page;) then mat hahahah lol oH god. omg guess who just talked to me .. alex? he gave me the finger(L)(L) hahha lol We are going on a road trip!! to petawawa CAnt wait and staying at uhh.. tabithas? lol :) And we are going to kid napp COdy and bring him with us obviously. HeyJess!! brittany .... right ? he so knew who i was obviously!! lol As per usual is the hottest new saying these days!! WE are very good make up artists especially is you want DARK RED LIPSTICK :) our specialty i want kisses all over my face wow this is hot.. umm we are only kissing each others cheeks .. ^o) lol loser LEts take Pictures!! LOads of pictures!! oh god we need to take those!! mallory Style (H) CAn you say HOTT Making people trains w/ me you and spongebob PARTTTAYYY !! while listening to our WILD Music .. BOoOm boOOm Boom I want you in my room / let me see you 1 2 step(H) And All the Oldies .. Oooh I wanna have seX on the beach !! oh how i miss petawawa dances they were pretty wild i have to say. Our wedding pictures turned out the best too bad seeing how your Dad Umm DELETED theMm! ahhh!! now we are just going ot have to get re takes!! (yn)(yn) wel love you BFFC**


awe i hope you are getting better the hopstial must suck alot !! i miss you so much Rachelle i whish you still came to school !</3 dont worry i will get you the finding nemo ballon !! :D awe i am going to miss you when you leave our school !! </3 i will visit you all the time in The hospitall :D:D PRomise !! (yn) God what happened to us we hardely hang out anymor:( .. Oh by the way i BORROWED your umm mirror:$ lol Yea my dogs name is tofu .. tofu? .. yea come here tofu!! okay i was just kidding its actually fufu Come here fufu ..okay okay its tyson!! omg!!:| lol haha hey shelly lmao i no it bugs you:p haha you and your god damn sfty pins lmao come with them in your braces haha LMAO!! haha our own sun tanning zone at school! right beside the basketball courts haha!! KEEP OUT!! am i getting a tan yet? RAYS COME TO ME!!(h) haha lol!! KORI CUTT THE BEEF JERKY!! NOO I DIDNT GUYZ!! YOU ARE GOING TO RUIN MY REPUTATION!! i smell cheese haha lmao!! so0o0o many good times!! Foo Foo come here brisk walk 20 minutes left!! i cant belive you thought his name was foo foo .. then he repsonded to tofu lol .. look he will run away!! ... brittany hese not moving..:$.. Stop being RUDE! she has a muzzle? ITS A HE oh so she has a muzzle!? NO! its a HE!! lol writing on everything with the green marker i found. haha its pouring .. no its not its not even raining.. wel it shuld be! u guyz gotta leave i gotta go cran berry picking.. in the rain!? lmao!! haha LUCAS HELP ME!! i swear i dont yell out things like THAT in my sleep haha lol!! plucking my eye brow wen i was sleeping ouch!! haha lol well luv yah lotz sheely haha jk "rakelle" you 20 dolleh hoe.. i mean free .. ne one paying 20$ is sur getting a rip off lmao! jk *SMAK* your memorys gone!! haha OHH BURN!! LMAO u r white OHH BURN! shut up u idiot u r white lmao lmao!! one day you will grow up to be a great science teacher.. see look the clouds over that way r white now they r gray and over there they r fluffy and omg they r moving!! haha lmao! north is that way ... wait that way.. brittany's a dyke... brittanys a dyke NO I AINT!! haha daryls a dyke and mat m is a man dyke molester lmao lmao its always funn to bug natasha hehe:p oH my god oh my god OMG OMG!! Haha hehe i am britty-lou you are rakelle the 20 dolleh hoe!! You can feel my stomach wen i laugh!! -LoL- .. *throws rag on the floor* wipes up the floor.. Yes, he lies me very much.. he has a over bite ok!? (( you impersinating my dog's teeth)) Oh and dont forget... FAMILY REUNION AT RECESS!! Love YOu RaChELle :)

Beth aka Blacky / Zebra power / REbel Without a Cause (H) Some got a tampon!! Dont worry its to shove in someones mouth lmao !! GOd I love you .. your Haalariouss I would never do drugs even tho i am black Jezze what did i tell you about those damn hydrolics in your BLACK bus !! you need to keep them on the downlow especially when you are trying tobe a driving mrs. daisy !! And you cannnot afford any more bus crashes!:(  sock in the mouth !! heres samm's dad ooh i c;) Zebra power always We Are Too reBEL for anyOne !! she better get to class now because we are the rebel's without a cause at this school !! aha i dont sleep with socks on because i cant feel whats comming and i dont sleep in the middle of the bed because something may come through the matress AND i have to shut every signel door and cupoboard so i dont see scary things. I know what your parents were doing the other day in the bedroom;) i heard some funny noises thats why the easter bunny never came to them !! i just love the pciture you drew me for my locker its obvviously hanging up right now !! BUs Driver Bus Driver !! we need the fast and the furious notdriving miss daisy. we are going to have to go to danielas and join the festivites of her family running around the garage killing chickens!! That woud be a Grand SpeCtacular day !! :) CAnt wait til then !

Kaelynd - PokeMAster
Gotta ColLEct all the braclets .. Even the pokemon ones we are inventing that aare going to be laminated !! i dare you to throw that sandwhich Oh you wouldnt dare !! amy look alike at the arena .. DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM haha buying wrestiling cards just put it on my tab .. you have a tab !? That large pokeball was pretty cool we better find some and get them fast !! So we can have real poke Battles !!

Amanda: our little secret!! dont worry mmy lips are sealed!!:$ awe the hole flower thing and the cute shy boy how adorable!! :):) oh god sleep over at natalies was the best !! ahahah The stupid lady wouldnt even let us order again!! uh sorry i cant help you!! um actually we are closed. In the phone book it says you are open 24/7 okay you might want to cahnge your add then okay good for you! what a Meany!! hahah natalie sleeping i heard that if you whisper in their ear something they will dream about it. Okay your on fire Lets draw dork on her forehead:) omg there she goes scrathing her nose again jesus!! THe notebook is obviously the best and greatest movie in the WORLLD!! AHH except the sex blanket is in like EVERY part of the movie!! ohh there it is again!! Omg cant he just shave the beard he is WAYYY hotter with out it SHAVE IT!! turn off the compuyer!! hit the bar!! it sounds like its going to blow up!! no you hit it! no you hit it!! omg some shut it of f off ahh well LOve yOu!!! we have to hang out Again Soon:)  


Are you forgotten ?:$ .. email me!! =] + Sorry <33